In the last decade, both primary and secondary schools that have a significant impact on, in 2002, due to changes in education policy trends in the field of language teaching in British schools, streams, a large number. On the one hand, plans to take a foreign language and monolingual culture in England in 2010 to reduce the problem to all the children were 7 years to learn the language. On the other hand, learning a foreign language at GCSE students to present a more viable option for professional degree courses, one is optional.

In other words, the results of this policy change happened? During the same period a year with a decrease in absorption of foreign language GCSE compared to a sudden decrease in the number of students striking effect immediately. This recession hit the French and German schools of traditional subjects to adapt to the lack of demand to allow a foreign language is more difficult to reduce their provision.

In addition, the recent “Red” as described in the section, the number of teacher trainees specialize in foreign language teaching profession had a domino effect. This is less than a high school student and together with the expected lack of opportunity may be due to poor career opportunities.

He was also a special education facilities and skills that school leaders have complained about the quality of the teacher shortage problem in elementary school. Initiatives started in 2002, although some have complained about the lack of adequate training and funding. They were not ready for compulsory education in 2009, a quarter of primary school, and a variety of recent studies, “said disaster struck as the delivery of education and the United Kingdom.

The report, Cambridge University, so far as the language of instruction in primary school than secondary level of education have a positive impact on the other is like saying that the children went untrained primary school teachers to errors by the wrong decision, then the “ignorant” as.

However, when there are concerns, changes in education which is not bad. This is a common language primary school, children at an early stage, a strong positive effect on the overall development of education and language learning skills to improve education for children can help stir more then welcome. Indeed, some early language learning behind changes in education policy at the secondary level will lead to more effective language learners may be changes in children’s confidence, knowledge and experience in other languages, “was the increase. In general, the new model of learning and more options to change the real effect of stress means that it is difficult to predict, but the government’s commitment to training and funding will be critical to the success of the policy language is clear.