Jumat, 04 November 2011

aggressive fish

Healthy well-stocked tropical aquarium, and color can add life to any room in your home or business. Stocking tank properly, it can be difficult. Time, size and choice: we are looking for your tropical aquarium staff for safe and efficient use of stock tanks and there are three principles to be.


This takes time to create a good and healthy aquarium. To add a new fish tanks, especially in people dying too fast may cause some or all. Fish waste contains ammonia and nitrite can be rapidly built and fish kills. Fortunately, the waste will decompose and bacteria grow naturally in aquariums. This bacteria is important for sufficient time to settle before adding the fish too. The first two or three-resistant fish. Test your water for nitrates and ammonia. Level drops to almost zero wait before adding more fish. Remember, this is the waste of fresh fish every time you move will peak. Gradually, the fish in two weeks, but a few times, add the tank health.


It is important to avoid overstocking your tropical aquarium. Very much smaller area, filtration systems, ecosystems and human populations can cause problems for capacity. Tank is full, the tank’s natural bacteria break down fish waste is not effective. This can lead to sick or dying fish. Another danger is not enough oxygen in the overflow tank. Your Fish breathe oxygen dissolved in water. The absorption of oxygen for more than a large tank of water. The basic rule is: one inch of fish per gallon of water. If this twenty-liter tank, means fish about eight inches.

Some fish, for example, male Bettas so aggressive they should be protected. Invasive species are often beautiful, but before sending it to the tank with other fish that get along well. Selection can help calm a very docile fish aquarium. Together with a choice of fish, plants, ornaments, or shelters, large stones are usually a good idea. Provides an additional view of this aquarium, but also less aggressive fish will attack not only a place to hide.

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